About Us

Here's the story of Wild Jr's® Hot Sauce!

Wild Jr. experimented with different recipes; dry flakes and powders, cooked sauces, preserves and naturally fermented sauces.  The fermented sauces were fantastic, so good that they were given as gifts to family, friends, and neighbors, many of whom repeatedly asked for more. Comments were often made like: "This is awesome, you could totally sell this stuff!", and "Why don't you start a company and let me sell it!

Over the ensuing years Wild Jr. perfected the recipe and made cases of hot sauce each year at harvest. A few bottles were always held back for continued cold aging. Even after 3 to 4 years in refrigeration, the unopened bottles were unspoiled. In fact, they had evolved into an even more complex flavor. Wild Jr's has a terrific cold shelf life.

After a voluntary exit in late 2018 from one of the most profitable Fortune-50 corporations in the Country, Wild Jr. decided to make a career change and do something he is passionate about. Wild went all-in starting Wild Jr.'s All-Natural Hot Sauce Company in January 2019.

The delicious hot sauce is fresh, spicy, savory and sour. It's vegan, gluten free, and hand made in small batches in true artisanal fashion. The sauce is not cooked or pasteurized and is alive with thousands of gut friendly pro-biotics. Truly a super-food.  As the company grows, Wild Jr intends to keep all production in-house.  Some hot sauces are merely private label knock-offs - mass produced in a large factory with a generic formula pumping out generic sauces.

We at Wild, Jr's are excited to share our treat with you, and we hope you love it as much as we do! Put on anything and everything! Eggs, chips, zucchini, potatoes, and rice (vegan friendly), pork rinds, ribs, chicken, fish (keto friendly), sandwiches, burgers, salsa, and tacos (one of Wild Jr's favorites)! It's awesome on Asian dishes, and anything else edible.